Your heart, that beating, beating, is probably the most important organ in your body. No other member gets his vacation, or playing so much radio. And it is unlikely that you will find a love note adorned with a kidney or a spleen, or even a mind, which actually controls emotions. Don't get me wrong, the heart does some good things - that is, it strengthens the whole circulatory system, transports nutrients, oxygen, waste, heat, hormones, and body cells throughout the body, over and over again. But in the end, the heart does not make you love. It doesn't matter if you are dumped by your boo. And he is not a lonely hunter. The fact is, the heart is more than just a pump — a huge, fluid-filled pump. And it doesn’t matter poetry or chocolate, or why you cry.

The heart has one concern: keeping pressure. If you have ever opened a trigger like a quirt gun or opened a can of soda, you have seen how the liquid flows from areas with high pressure - such as the inside of a gun or can - in areas with low pressure, such as outside. The purpose of the whole heart is to maintain the same type of pressure gradient, by creating a high hydrostatic pressure to pump blood out of the heart, while also creating a low pressure to return it internally. blood pressure. Basically the average number of arteries you feel when your heart pumps your blood - more than five gallons of it - is about 60 beats per minute. That is about 100,000 beats a day, 35 million a year, 2 to 3 billion heartbeats in life, which is a condition of the body that can be easily relieved, just by taking a heartbeat. I don't have a watch now, which might inspire a lot of poetry, but it turns out, it's still a very interesting story. Let’s start with a little anatomy. Aside from the fact that you may have been influenced by the Grinch, the average adult heart is about the size of two fists combined - one of the few pieces of trivia you often hear about in real human form.

The heart is empty, has an abnormal lump, and weighs only 250 to 350 grams - a good size for a modest amount of your body work. And even though Americans tend to place their right hand over their left chest while promising fidelity, the heart is actually located in the middle of your chest, attached to a mediastinum cavity between your lungs. It sits in a corner, however, with one end slightly pointed at the left hip, and the other facing the right shoulder. So most of its weight is left just a little bit on the inner line. The heart is tied to a two-walled sac called a pericardium. The hard outer layer, or pericardium, is made of mixed tissue and helps protect the heart while attaching it to some of the surrounding structures, so it does not like to bend all over while beating. At present, the inner serous pericardium consists of the inner visceral layer, or epicardium - actually part of the heart wall - and the outer parietal structure.

The two layers are separated by a thick film of liquid that acts as a natural adhesive, which provides a smooth surface for the heart to travel through so as not to create friction as it beats. The wall of the heart itself is made up of more layers, three of which are: the outer epicardium; central myocardium, consisting mainly of body tissues that perform all contractile function; and the inner endocardium, a white layer of squamous epithelial tissue. Deep inside, the heart has so many moving pieces that I can't separate them here, because the really big thing to understand is that the normal system of chambers, and valves, arteries, and blood vessels all work together to circulate the blood around your body. Well the fluid tends to move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, and the heart creates those pressures. The form also follows the function. Your heart is divided in half by a small internal separator called the septum. This section consists of four chambers - two upper atria, which are areas with low pressure, and two lower ventricles that produce high pressure. Each room has a matching valve, which acts as a bouncer at the club during the closing - as if to take it out, but not to go back.

When the valve opens, blood flows from one side to the next. And when it closes, that's all - no blood can just go back to the room he just left. So if you put your ear to someone else's chest - and yes, ask permission first - you will hear "lub-DUB, lub-DUB". What you really feel are the valves of the human heart to open and close. It’s a very simple set, but beautiful, actually. In practice, those atria of blood vessels return to the heart after circulating in the body. The ventricles, meanwhile, are the blood vessels that return blood to the heart. As a result, the atria are well fenced, as the blood flows to the heart under low pressure, and all that atria has to do is throw it down into the free ventricles, which does not take much effort. Ventricles are relatively mild. They are true heart pumps, and they need large, strong walls to pump blood out of the heart through all the cuts. And everything is connected to your entire circulatory system in the form of arteries and veins. We will go into more detail about this later, but the first thing to remember, if you do not remember, is that the blood vessels remove blood from the heart, and the arteries return it to the heart.

To separate the two drawings, the anatomy drawings usually show red veins, while the veins are painted in blue, which, incidentally, is part of what led to the strange notion that your blood is actually blue at times. However, that is not the case. It is always red. It is bright red when there is oxygen in it. So let’s take a look at how all of this fits together, starting with the big burst of blood coming out of your heart. The right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary artery, which is just a large fragmentary vessel that forms the left and right lung arteries. From there - and this is the only time in your body when oxygen-free blood passes through the artery - the blood goes directly to the lungs to the lungs, where it can take in oxygen. It penetrates very small capillaries, which have small walls, allowing building materials to enter and leave the bloodstream. In the case of the lungs, oxygen enters and carbon dioxide escapes. The blood then returns to the heart through the four arteries of the lungs, where it continues to move to the lowest pressure point - because that is what the fluid does - and to this inside the relaxed left atrium. Thereafter contracts the atrium, which increases the pressure, so the blood flows down the mitral valve to the left ventricle. So when a wave of  the blood was pumped from the right ventricle to the lungs and followed by the lowest pressure back to the left atrium? There is a name for that, a pulmonary circulation loop.

It is how your blood dumps its cargo of carbon dioxide in the lungs, and it trades in a pile of fresh oxygen. It’s short, simple - at least in the way I have time to describe it - and it works wonderfully well. Of all the things you need to keep available, oxygen is the most urgent - without which you will die in minutes instead of hours, days, or weeks. But it does no good unless oxygen can actually get to your cells. And that hasn't happened yet. Therefore, your newly oxygenated blood needs to go through all of your body systems and share the wealth. And that positive movement - known as the systemic loop - begins in the left ventricle, where it flexes to increase pressure. Now the blood flow to a good low pressure and that left the atrium where it came from, but the mitral valve closes, forcing it through the aortic semilunar valve into your main artery - almost as big as the tap water - - the aorta, which sends the rest of it your body. And after all your various muscles of greed, nerves, organs, and the heart itself their oxygen feast in the capillary-bed buffet, that blood-now-oxygen-free blood returns to the heart, infiltrating the great inferior vena cava veins , directly to the right atrium.

And when the right atrium contracts, the blood passes through the tricuspid valve, enters the free right ventricle, and returns to where we started. This repetitive cycle plays a major role - heart to lungs to heart to heart again - and eliminates that continuous exchange of high pressure, and low pressure controlled by the heart valves. So the first "lub" you hear on thatlub-DUB is made by closing the mitral and tricuspid valves. And they do that because your ventricles make an agreement to create pressure and pump blood out of the heart. This high pressure caused by ventricular contraction is called a systole.

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