When we think of Ancient Civilization, we think of Egypt. There are several reasons for this, such as the fact that the towers are the last man standing among the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. But most important, civilization in ancient Egypt lasted from 3000 BCE to 332 BCE That is what historians call a long period of time. And I will remind you that it is not a curse when I speak of donkeys. So there are many ways to study history. You can look at history as a long millennium discussion about philosophy or as a conflict between older men or you can visualize history as being traditionally neglected, such as women or indigenous peoples or slaves. is one of the safest and richest agricultural areas in the world.

Each summer the river flooded the fields in due course, leaving nutrient-rich mud to plant. Planting was so easy that the Egyptians simply threw the seed into the muddy ground and let their cattle or pigs roam over it to crush the seeds in the ground, and then sprouted, grain and figs and wheat and pomegranates and watermelons with joy. Unlike many river valleys, Egyptian communities were the ONLY ones along the Nile River, able to navigate enough to supply valuable resources down the river from timber to gold, which the Egyptians considered to be divine metal, thus introducing a vision that would eventually culminate in Mr. Nile also softens easily. Although some river valleys required complex projects and required extensive irrigation work, the Nile was so cold that the Egyptians were able to use a simple water-based system called basin irrigation, where farmers used floodwaters to fill earthen vessels and irrigation canals. . In short, the beauty of the Nile for most Egyptians could create a huge food surplus with little work done, allowing time and energy for some excellent projects.

Also, the Nile may help to explain the common hope of ancient Egypt: Although the ancient Sumerian religion, for example, regarded the afterlife as a dark and dark place, the Egyptians were often buried with objects that were useful and pleasing to them in life, because the afterlife. it was seen as a continuation of this life, which, at least if you lived near the Nile River, was not a bad thing. Thanks, Bubble Thoughts. Now, my dear readers, I will scare you by pressing the dates. No. Days. Yes. Thank you. Historians have divided Egypt's history into three broad categories. Each has its own numerical lineage. But only the strongest Egyptologists do not know the dynasties, and we do not try to be strong Egyptian experts. The Old Empire began from 2649 to 2152; Central empire from 2040 to 1640; And the New Kingdom, so named because it is only 3,000 years old, lasted from 1550-1070 BCE. Inside you have a few periods called Intermediate periods.

All right, OLD KINGDOM. This was indeed the glorious time of ancient Egypt, when we discovered all the later things that would make Indiana Jones possible, such as the pyramids of Giza, the sun king Ra, and the vision of the divine kingdom. The king, or Pharaoh, was a god or very close to a god. which seems like a good gig, except that it meant that he was not expected to act like a human being, he was expected to act like a god, which means that in ancient Egypt it meant to act like the Nile: calm, cool, kind ... That is not fun. And then there are the towers, in addition to always being impressive to watch represent a remarkable level of political and social control over the people, because it is not easy to convince people to dedicate their lives to building a sarcophagus for someone else. The most famous pyramids were built between 2575 and 2465 BCE The one with the Sphinx belonged to Khephren; the largest, the Great Pyramid, was built for Pharaoh Khufu.

These towers were built in part by farmers who were required by Egyptian law to work for the government for a certain number of months each year, and in part by slaves, but not by Moses and the Jews, who came from the area long before there were towers. even blinking an eye for Khufu. This leads to the big question: Why? Why in the sweet name of Ra can one create such a thing? Well, let's start with Ra. Thus, Ra started out as a regional deity, ruling over Heliopolis, but eventually became the center of a dynasty of ancient Egyptian deities. He was a sun god, but he was also a god of creation. And the idea was that if the people did their work then the crowd of gods would maintain order in the universe, and since the Pharaohs became gods at their death, it made sense to please them even in the tower towers.

The popular religion of Egypt also embraced the belief in magic and divination and in the belief that certain animals — especially cats — had divine power. And yes, I pointed that out just so I could get to know you.

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